Land Access Program

This Community Agriculture Project Application is explicitly for residents who want to start a Community Garden, Farm, or Food Forest on parkland within Philadelphia Parks and Recreations inventory (i.e., parkland).

Application & Documents

Please read all documents before submitting your interest form. Once your interest form has been reviewed and approved, complete and submit the application form.

By completing the Community Agriculture Project Application, applicants will demonstrate their capacity and commitment to involve as many community members as possible and to manage the project for the long term. 

The forms are available in the following six languages:

  1. English: Interest Form | Application
  2. Haitian Creole: Interest Form | Application
  3. Mandarin: Interest Form | Application
  4. Portuguese: Interest Form | Application
  5. Spanish: Interest Form | Application
  6. Vietnamese: Interest Form | Application

Evaluation & Procedure

urban agriculture application building

All applications will be reviewed and approved by the following parties:

  • Parks & Rec’s Farm Philly team and appropriate Parks & Rec staff
  • If the garden is located at a recreation center, it must also be approved by the recreation leader and advisory council 

Applications are evaluated based on the following criteria:

  1. Whether the garden is the appropriate use of parkland and is not in conflict with other potential user groups. Other user groups may include sports programs, after-school and summer camp programs, regularly permitted events (e.g., picnics, family reunions, graduation parties), and other groups that currently use the space.
  2. The number of interested local gardeners and garden supporters listed in the community support petition. 
  3. The application narrative responses.
  4. The experience and organizational and management abilities of the site leaders.

Application Submission


Submit your application with all required document in either of the following two ways:

1. Email a Word .doc, Word .docx, or PDF file to

  • The title of the electronic document must include: the name of the park and/or recreation facility and the phrase “Community Agriculture Project Application”
  • The subject line of the email must follow the same format
  • Example: MaxMyers_CommunityAgricultureProjectApplication

2. Mail or hand deliver to:

  • Farm Philly/Office of Agriculture
    Philadelphia Parks & Recreation
    1515 Arch Street, 10th Floor 
    Philadelphia, PA 19102-1587